- web6047 - (2021/09/10(金) 現在、システム調整中のため、一部の表示がおかしいかもしれません)

homepage6047 2018年 12月 [2024年 システム調整 対策済み]


2018/12/29(土) 年末年始休み 2日目/10日

「オブジェクト指向は難しい…」[2024年 システム調整 対策済み]


N88-BASIC という言語を用いて、「オブジェクト指向のカプセル化の有無の違い」について見ていきましょう。





オブジェクト指向のカプセル化の有無の違い タブストリップ




10 'カプセル化実験 カプセル化していない例

20 NAM$="アムロ・アズナブル" 'データの持ち方

30 '以降、データの利用

40 PRINT NAM$ + "は出撃した。"

50 PRINT NAM$ + "は言った。「シャア・レイの気配がする」"

60 PRINT NAM$ + "は言った。「やっぱりか」"

70 PRINT NAM$ + "は言った。「しゃあ・ねぇな!やったるか!」"

80 '

90 '


カプセル化なし ~仕様変更されたら~



10 'カプセル化実験 カプセル化していない例

20 FIRSTNAME$ = "アムロ" : SECONDNAME$ = "アズナブル" 'データの持ち方を変更

30 '以降、データの利用

40 PRINT NAM$ + "は出撃した。"

50 PRINT NAM$ + "は言った。「シャア・レイの気配がする」"

60 PRINT NAM$ + "は言った。「やっぱりか」"

70 PRINT NAM$ + "は言った。「しゃあ・ねぇな!やったるか!」"

80 'データを利用している部分をすべて変更しなければならない。

90 '






10 'カプセル化実験 カプセル化している例

20 NAM$="アムロ・アズナブル" 'データの持ち方

25 DEFFNA = NAM$ 'データの返し方

30 '以降、データの利用

40 PRINT (FNA) + "は出撃した。"

50 PRINT (FNA) + "は言った。「シャア・レイの気配がする」"

60 PRINT (FNA) + "は言った。「やっぱりか」"

70 PRINT (FNA) + "は言った。「しゃあ・ねぇな!やったるか!」"

80 '


カプセル化あり ~仕様変更されたら~




10 'カプセル化実験 カプセル化している例

20 FIRSTNAME$ = "アムロ" : SECONDNAME$ = "アズナブル" 'データの持ち方を変更

25 DEFFNA = FIRSTNAME$ + "・" + SECONDNAME$ 'データの返し方も変更

30 '以降、データの利用

40 PRINT (FNA) + "は出撃した。"

50 PRINT (FNA) + "は言った。「シャア・レイの気配がする」"

60 PRINT (FNA) + "は言った。「やっぱりか」"

70 PRINT (FNA) + "は言った。「しゃあ・ねぇな!やったるか!」"

80 'データを利用している部分はいっさい変更しなくてもよい。



カプセル化はデータを提供する側とデータを利用する側との間にアクセサメソッドを用意することで、提供する側のデータの持ち方の変更の影響を 利用する側に見せないようにしている…ということなんだと思います。


そうすることで変更に強いプログラムになるわけですが、のちのちの修正の手間を見越して、あらかじめ回避しようという作業なので、ちょっと退屈に感じるかもしれません。その良さを実感するのは今ではなく、将来 仕様変更や修正をするときですから。保険とか国民年金とか払っても面白くないのと似ています。


Borland Turbo C ++ 1.02 マニュアル「INTRODUCTION」P151 (1990年発行)

(第5章 C++ 入門)


Wikipedia - カプセル化


… 隠ぺいされることで、内側の実装方法に関わらず、外側はアクセスすることができます。言い換えれば、内部データに直接アクセスされることがないので安心して実装方法の変更ができます。

このように隠ぺいした際の、アクセサメソッドの はたらき に注目して私は上記のような記事を書いていました。

このアクセサメソッドの はたらき だけでカプセル化を説明しようとしたのは、わかりやすいかもしれませんが、ちょっと短絡的だったかなと思います。



(なお、私はオブジェクト指向は数年前に本を読んで勉強してましたが、カプセル化等 ほとんど忘れている状態であって、今日思い立ってこの記事を書くにあたって当時の本を引っ張り出した、といった感じです)

余談1 勉強のしかた:



  1. 変更に強い
  2. 再利用できる
  3. 拡張性


今回話題にしたカプセル化は 変更に強い ことに効果があるのであって、ほかの2つの 再利用 と、拡張性 については(書籍などをよく見てみると)特に言及されていない、という事実があります。(何かの本ではほかの2つにも効果があると言っているかもしれませんが、私の持っている本では特にそうは言っていないようです)




余談2 N88-BASIC:


2018/12/28(金) 年末年始休み 1日目/10日


(具体的に言うと、このホームページ上でExcelVBAと書いたら、自動的に「このホームページ上で ExcelVBA と書いたら」とアルファベットの単語の前後に半角スペースが入り読みやすくなる、という機能を作っていました。でもこのホームページ上のいろいろなリンクやスクリプトが動かなくなってしまったので、あきらめました)










そこで、私も Windows 版のほうをダウンロードして試してみました。

(リズム音源を別途ダウンロードしてMUCOM88 Windowsと同じフォルダに配置するなどサイトの説明のとおりに行います)


このサイトの説明のとおりに A t190@30v15 cdefgab>c というMML(音楽演奏言語)文字列を黒い画面に挿入して、画面の「PLAY」ボタンを押すと、すぐに音が鳴りました。Windowsだけど、ちゃんとYM2203/YM2608のFM音源(のエミュレート?)で鳴っているようです。






サンプルのフォルダに移動(マウスではなくキーボードのEnterキーで移動)して、.muc形式のファイルを選んで、「再生」ボタンを押すと、iTunes storeでダウンロードした「アクトレイザー フィルモア」と同じ曲が流れました。あの繊細な音源がMMLのレベルで手元にあるなんて、なんてありがたいことだろう。



2018/12/24(月) 3連休 最終日
[2024年 システム調整 対策済み]





フルスクリーン版もあります。これ (F11キーを押してブラウザをフルスクリーンにすると楽しいかも。戻すには再度F11です)



グラディウスみたいなの作っていて、グラディウスのひとつのステージを作るのって まるで一枚のCGを描いているようだなって思いました。

1つ1つの敵キャラのふるまいを調整して、プレイヤーを楽しませる。ステージ全体を とおして調整していき、1つのステージを完成させる。


参考にMicrosoft Storeの無料の「PCエンジン版グラディウス」をダウンロードして、見てみたんですが、すんげーゴージャスじゃないか。自分のと比べて。


//- 関数リスト - ..

// 1: app.init ..

// 2: app.onpreloadx ..

// 3: app.afterOnload ..

// 4: app.scheduleAdd ..

// 5: app.newEnemy ..

// 6: app.entrySprite ..

// 7: app.deleteSprite ..

// 8: app.run ..

// 9: app.addStar ..

// 10: app.drawTextCenter ..

// 11: app.draw ..

// 12: app.keyType ..

// 13: app.keySense ..

// 14: app.fire ..

// 15: ImagePalette ..

// 16: ImagePalette.prototype.drawImage ..

// 17: ImagePalette.prototype.drawImage_single ..

// 18: Sprite ..

// 19: Sprite.prototype.setWidth ..

// 20: Sprite.prototype.setHeight ..

// 21: Sprite.prototype.setWidthWithAspectHeight ..

// 22: Sprite.prototype.draw ..

// 23: Sprite.prototype.frame ..

// 24: Sprite.prototype.moveFunction ..

// 25: Sprite.prototype.animFrameChecker ..

// 26: Sprite.prototype.moveFrameChecker ..

// 27: Maps ..

// 28: Maps.prototype.ready ..

// 29: Maps.prototype.frame ..

// 30: Maps.prototype.draw ..

// 31: Map ..

console.log( "20181125-index.js loading.." );



this.canvasApply(200,200); は何をしているのか?

this.canvasEL.style.width を変更している

this.canvasEL.style.height を変更している

this.pixelsize を変更している

this.resetMozaic(); を実行している


this.ready(); は何をしているか?

this.draw() を実行

this.onscrollx() を意図的実行



scroll のイベントリスナを設定



function App( id, element ) {




(そのIDはid + "_canvas"である)












一般 このプログラム

init afterOnload


var parentEL = document.getElementById( "sl_monthlyJS_canvas" );

var app = new App( "sl_monthlyJS" );

addEventListener( "load", app.exec.bind( app, parentEL ), false );

//関数 1 / 31 ..

app.init = function() {

console.log( "-init" );


this.canvasEL.style.border = "solid 0px red";

if( typeof baseURL !== "undefined" ) {

this.baseURL = baseURL;

this.setCanvasSize( setCanvasSizeW, setCanvasSizeH );

this.pixelsize = pixelsize; //モザイクサイズ

this.isWidth100per = isWidth100per; //canvasを親要素の横幅に合わせる

this.isScreenFit = isScreenFit;

this.isKeepAspect = isKeepAspect; //そのとき縦横アスペクト比を維持する

this.isPixelZoom = isPixelZoom; //ドットストレッチ

this.isSmoothZoom = isSmoothZoom; //スムーズストレッチ

} else {

this.baseURL = "20181125-indexJS/";

this.setCanvasSize( 512, 256 );

this.pixelsize = 2; //モザイクサイズ

this.isWidth100per = 1; //canvasを親要素の横幅に合わせる

this.isScreenFit = 0;

this.isKeepAspect = 0; //そのとき縦横アスペクト比を維持する

this.isPixelZoom = 0; //ドットストレッチ

this.isSmoothZoom = 0; //スムーズストレッチ


this.canvasEL.style.backgroundColor = "black";



var p = document.getElementById( "whiteareaID" );

this.toBackgroundOf( p );


this.EnemyType = 1;

this.SupporterMissileType = 2;

this.FighterType = 4;

this.a = 0;

this.toA = -1;

this.toAMode = false;

this.pause = false;


this.images = new Object();

this.imageSRCs = [











this.drawFLG = "preload";

this.preloadCNT = 0;


for( var i = 0; i < this.imageSRCs.length; i++ ) {

var img = new Image();

img.onload = this.onpreloadx.bind( this );

img.src = this.baseURL + this.imageSRCs[ i ];

img.name = this.imageSRCs[ i ].match( /^(.+)\./ )[ 1 ];

this.images[ img.name ] = img;



//関数 2 / 31 ..

app.onpreloadx = function( e ) {


console.log( "preloaded: " + this.preloadCNT + "/" + Object.keys( this.images ).length + " : " + e.target.name );



if( 1 && this.preloadCNT == Object.keys( this.images ).length ) this.afterOnload();


//関数 3 / 31 ..

app.afterOnload = function() {

console.log( "afterOnload" );

this.drawFLG = "";


this.stars = new Array();

for( var i = 0; i < 30; i++ ) {

this.addStar( Math.random() * this.canvasW );


this.supporterMissiles = new Array();

this.enemies = new Array();

this.sprites = new Object();

this.enemyCnt = 0;

this.supporterMissileCnt = 0;


this.fighter = new Sprite( "fighter" );

with( this.fighter ) {

imagePalette = new ImagePalette( this.cc, this.images.fighter, 142, 36, 90, 36 );

x = 105;

y = 80;

setWidthWithAspectHeight( 38 );

type = this.FighterType;


this.entrySprite( this.fighter );

this.maps = new Maps( this );


this.schedule = new Array();

this.scheduleAdd( 5, function() {

var enemy = this.newEnemy( 2 );

enemy.y = this.canvasH / 3;

} );

var nico = function( tm ) {


for( var j = 0; j < 5; j++ ) {

for( var i = 0; i < 5; i++ ) {

var tm2 = tm + i*2 + j * 50;

if( j % 2 ) {

this.scheduleAdd( tm2, function() {

var enemy = this.newEnemy( 1 );

enemy.y = this.canvasH / 3;

} );

} else {

this.scheduleAdd( tm2, function() {

var enemy = this.newEnemy( 1 );

enemy.y = this.canvasH / 3 * 2;

} );




}.bind( this );

nico( 10 );

nico( 650 );


tm = 350;

this.scheduleAdd( tm, function() { ( this.newEnemy( 2 ) ).y = this.canvasH / 4; } );

this.scheduleAdd( tm, function() { ( this.newEnemy( 2 ) ).y = this.canvasH / 4 * 3; } );


var sandwich = function( tm ) {

this.scheduleAdd( tm, function() { this.newEnemy( 3, 1 ); } );

this.scheduleAdd( tm, function() { this.newEnemy( 3, 2 ); } );

this.scheduleAdd( tm, function() { this.newEnemy( 3, 3 ); } );

this.scheduleAdd( tm, function() { this.newEnemy( 3, 4 ); } );

this.scheduleAdd( tm, function() { this.newEnemy( 3, 5 ); } );

this.scheduleAdd( tm, function() { this.newEnemy( 4, 1 ); } );

this.scheduleAdd( tm, function() { this.newEnemy( 4, 2 ); } );

this.scheduleAdd( tm, function() { this.newEnemy( 4, 3 ); } );

this.scheduleAdd( tm, function() { this.newEnemy( 4, 4 ); } );

this.scheduleAdd( tm, function() { this.newEnemy( 4, 5 ); } );

}.bind( this );

sandwich( 540 );

sandwich( 950 );

this.scheduleAdd( 300, function() {

this.maps.ready( "map" );

} );

this.scheduleAdd( 1200, function() {

this.maps.ready( "message" );

} );

this.timerMS = 50;



//関数 4 / 31 ..

app.scheduleAdd = function( tm, func ) {


if( ! this.schedule[ tm ] ) this.schedule[ tm ] = new Array();

this.schedule[ tm ].push( func.bind( this ) );


//関数 5 / 31 ..

app.newEnemy = function( type, mutation ) {

var id = "enemy" + this.enemyCnt++;

var enemy = new Sprite( id, this );

with( enemy ) {

type = this.EnemyType;

imagePalette = new ImagePalette( this.cc, this.images.enemy1, 72, 50, 51, 50 );

x = this.canvasW;

y = this.canvasH / 2;

frame = function() {

//this is sprite.

this.moveFrameChecker( this.x < 0 );




switch( type ) {

case 1:


with( enemy ) {

frame = function() {

//this is sprite.

this.moveFrameChecker( this.x < 0 );

this.imagePalette.index ++;


if( this.imagePalette.index > this.imagePalette.maxIndex ) this.imagePalette.index = 0;


moveFunction = function() {

var bx = this.x;

this.x -= this.speed / 2;

var f = function( x ) { return Math.sin( x * 0.1 ) * 30; }

this.y += f( this.x ) - f( bx );




case 2:


with( enemy ) {

width = 48;

height = 48;

imagePalette = new ImagePalette( this.cc, this.images.enemy2, 72, 75, 60, 75 );

speed = 8;

animFrameMax = 3;



case 3:


with( enemy ) {

x = app.canvasW / 2 + 50 * mutation;

y = 0;

imagePalette = new ImagePalette( this.cc, this.images.enemy3, 72, 60, 60, 60 );

imagePalette.index = mutation;

width = 48;

height = 48;

animFrameMax = 4;

frame = function() {

//this is sprite.

this.moveFrameChecker( this.y > app.canvasH );



moveFunction = function() {

this.x -= this.speed / 2;

this.y += this.speed;




case 4:


with( enemy ) {

x = app.canvasW / 2 + 50 * mutation;

y = app.canvasH;

imagePalette = new ImagePalette( this.cc, this.images.enemy3, 72, 60, 60, 60 );

imagePalette.index = mutation;

width = 48;

height = 48;

animFrameMax = 4;

frame = function() {

//this is sprite.

this.moveFrameChecker( this.y < 0 );



moveFunction = function() {

this.x -= this.speed / 2;

this.y -= this.speed;





this.entrySprite( enemy );

return enemy;


//関数 6 / 31 ..

app.entrySprite = function( sprite ) {

switch( sprite.type ) {

case this.EnemyType:

this.enemies.push( sprite );


case this.SupporterMissileType:

this.supporterMissiles.push( sprite );


case this.FighterType:



alert( "error at app.entrySprite\n\nundefined type: " + sprite.type );


this.sprites[ sprite.id ] = sprite;


//関数 7 / 31 ..

app.deleteSprite = function( sprite ) {

switch( sprite.type ) {

case this.EnemyType:

this.enemies.splice( this.enemies.indexOf( sprite ), 1 );


case this.SupporterMissileType:

this.supporterMissiles.splice( this.supporterMissiles.indexOf( sprite ), 1 );


case this.FighterType:



alert( "error at app.deleteSprite\n\nundefined type: " + sprite.type );


delete this.sprites[ sprite.id ];



//関数 8 / 31 ..

app.run = function() {



if( this.toAMode ) {

if( this.a == this.toA ) {


this.toAMode = false;

this.timerMS = this.toABak;

this.pause = true;




if( this.pause ) {





for( var name in this.sprites ) {

var sprite = this.sprites[ name ];


if( sprite.deleteFlg ) {

this.deleteSprite( sprite );






if( this.schedule[ this.a ] ) {

for( var i = 0; i < this.schedule[ this.a ].length; i++ ) {

this.schedule[ this.a ][ i ]();






for( var i = 0; i < this.supporterMissiles.length; i++ ) {

var sm = this.supporterMissiles[ i ];

for( var j = 0; j < this.enemies.length; j++ ) {

var en = this.enemies[ j ];


if( en.deleteFlg ) continue;

var hitX1 = sm.x >= ( en.x - en.centerX );

var hitX2 = sm.x <= ( en.x + en.centerX );

var hitY1 = sm.y >= ( en.y - en.centerY );

var hitY2 = sm.y <= ( en.y + en.centerY );

if( hitX1 && hitX2 && hitY1 && hitY2 ) {

sm.deleteFlg = true;

en.deleteFlg = true;





//背景 星々

for( var i = this.stars.length - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) {

var star = this.stars[ i ];

star[ 0 ] -= 4;


if( star[ 0 ] < 0 ) this.stars.splice( i, 1 );


if( this.a % 5 == 0 ) { this.addStar( this.canvasW ); }




app.colors = [ "#00f", "#888", "yellow" ];

//関数 9 / 31 ..

app.addStar = function( gx ) {

var color = this.colors[ Math.floor( Math.random() * this.colors.length ) ];

gx = Math.round( gx );

var gy = Math.round( Math.random() * this.canvasH );

this.stars.push( [ gx, gy, color ] );


//関数 10 / 31 ..

app.drawTextCenter = function( t ) {

var cc = this.cc;

var sz = 24;

var met = cc.measureText( t );

var x = ( this.canvasW - met.width ) / 2 - met.width / 2;

var y = ( this.canvasH - sz ) / 2;

cc.font = sz + "px ''";

cc.fillStyle = "darkblue"; cc.fillText( t, x+4,y+4 );

cc.fillStyle = "cyan"; cc.fillText( t, x-2,y );

cc.fillStyle = "cyan"; cc.fillText( t, x+1,y );

cc.fillStyle = "cyan"; cc.fillText( t, x,y-2 );

cc.fillStyle = "cyan"; cc.fillText( t, x,y+1 );

cc.fillStyle = "blue"; cc.fillText( t, x,y );


//関数 11 / 31 ..

app.draw = function() {

var cc = this.cc;

cc.clearRect( 0, 0, this.canvasW, this.canvasH );

if( this.drawFLG == "preload" ) {

this.drawTextCenter( "PRELOADING IMAGES.." );



//☆彡 描画

for( var i = this.stars.length - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) {

var star = this.stars[ i ];

var gx = star[ 0 ];

var gy = star[ 1 ];

cc.fillStyle = star[ 2 ];

cc.fillRect( gx, gy, 1, 1 );


//スプライト 描画

for( var name in this.sprites ) {

var sprite = this.sprites[ name ];

sprite.draw( cc );


//地上 描画

this.maps.draw( cc );

cc.font = "18px ''";

cc.fillStyle = "white";

cc.fillText( "a: " + this.a + " sprites: " + Object.keys( this.sprites ).length, 50, 20 );

if( this.pause ) {

this.drawTextCenter( "PAUSE" );



//関数 12 / 31 ..

app.keyType = function( keynum ) {

switch( keynum ) {

case 90: this.fire(); break; //z

case 65: //a


this.toA = Number( prompt( "moveto:", this.a ) );

this.toAMode = true;

this.toABak = this.timerMS;

this.timerMS = 1;

this.a = 0;



case 80: this.pause = ! this.pause; break; //p


// console.log( this.id + " key typed: " + keynum );



//関数 13 / 31 ..

app.keySense = function() {




for( var i = 0; i < this.keytable.length; i++ ) {

var keynum = this.keytable[ i ];

switch( keynum ) {

case 37: this.fighter.x -= this.fighter.speed; break;

case 39: this.fighter.x += this.fighter.speed; break;

case 38: this.fighter.y -= this.fighter.speed; break;

case 40: this.fighter.y += this.fighter.speed; break;





//関数 14 / 31 ..

app.fire = function() {

var missile = new Sprite( "sm" + this.supporterMissileCnt++, this );

with( missile ) {

type = this.SupporterMissileType;

imagePalette = new ImagePalette( this.cc, this.images.sm );

x = this.fighter.x + this.fighter.centerX - 8;

y = this.fighter.y + 4;

speed += 8;

setWidthWithAspectHeight( 8 );

frame = function() {

//"this" is missile.

this.x += this.speed;

this.deleteFlg = this.x > this.app.canvasW;



this.entrySprite( missile );



//関数 15 / 31 ..

function ImagePalette( cc, image, areaWidth, areaHeight, width, height ) {

this.cc = cc;

this.image = image;

if( arguments.length == 2 ) {

this.drawImage = this.drawImage_single;

this.width = this.image.width;

this.height = this.image.height;

} else {

this.areaWidth = areaWidth;

this.areaHeight = areaHeight;

this.width = width;

this.height = height;

this.columns = Math.floor( image.width / this.areaWidth );

this.rows = Math.floor( image.height / this.areaHeight );

this.maxIndex = this.columns * this.rows;

this.index = 0;



//関数 16 / 31 ..

ImagePalette.prototype.drawImage = function( dx, dy, dw, dh ) {

var sx = this.index * this.areaWidth;

this.cc.drawImage( this.image, sx, 0, this.width, this.height, dx, dy, dw, dh );


//関数 17 / 31 ..

ImagePalette.prototype.drawImage_single = function( dx, dy, dw, dh ) {

this.cc.drawImage( this.image, dx, dy, dw, dh );


//関数 18 / 31 ..

function Sprite( id, app ) {

this.app = app;

this.type = null;

this.id = id;

this.imagePalette = null;

this.x = 100;

this.y = 100;

this.setWidth( 32 );

this.setHeight( 32 );

this.speed = 8;

this.deleteFlg = false;

this.moveFrameCnt = 0;

this.moveFrameMax = 1;

this.animFrameCnt = 0;

this.animFrameMax = 1;


//関数 19 / 31 ..

Sprite.prototype.setWidth = function( width ) {

this.width = width;

this.centerX = width / 2;


//関数 20 / 31 ..

Sprite.prototype.setHeight = function( height ) {

this.height = height;

this.centerY = height /2;


//関数 21 / 31 ..

Sprite.prototype.setWidthWithAspectHeight = function( width ) {

this.setWidth( width );

this.setHeight( this.width / this.imagePalette.width * this.imagePalette.height );


//関数 22 / 31 ..

Sprite.prototype.draw = function( cc ) {


cc.translate( this.x - this.centerX, this.y - this.centerY );

this.imagePalette.drawImage( 0, 0, this.width, this.height );



//関数 23 / 31 ..

Sprite.prototype.frame = function( cc ) {


//関数 24 / 31 ..

Sprite.prototype.moveFunction = function( cc ) {

this.x -= this.speed;


//関数 25 / 31 ..

Sprite.prototype.animFrameChecker = function( cc ) {

if( this.animFrameCnt++ == this.animFrameMax ) {

this.animFrameCnt = 0;

this.imagePalette.index ++;


if( this.imagePalette.index > this.imagePalette.maxIndex ) this.imagePalette.index = 0;



//関数 26 / 31 ..

Sprite.prototype.moveFrameChecker = function( isDelete ) {

if( this.moveFrameCnt++ == this.moveFrameMax ) {

this.moveFrameCnt = 0;


this.deleteFlg = isDelete;



//関数 27 / 31 ..

function Maps( app ) {

this.app = app;

this.array = new Array();

this.visibles = new Array();

this.frameCnt = 0;

this.frameMax = 1;

this.index = 0;

this.movePixel = 4;


//関数 28 / 31 ..

Maps.prototype.ready = function( mapName ) {

this.array = new Array();

var nums = new Array();

for( var name in this.app.images ) {

if( name.indexOf( mapName ) == 0 ) {

var num = Number( name.substr( mapName.length ) );

nums.push( num );



nums.sort( function( a, b ) {

if( a < b ) return -1;

if( a > b ) return 1;

return 0;

} );

for( var i = 0; i < nums.length; i++ ) {

this.array.push( new Map( this.app.images[ mapName + nums[ i ] ] ) );


this.visibles.push( this.array[ 0 ] );

this.index = 0;


//関数 29 / 31 ..

Maps.prototype.frame = function() {


if( this.frameCnt++ != this.frameMax ) {



this.frameCnt = 0;

var allEnd = true;

for( var i = 0; i < this.visibles.length; i++ ) {

var map = this.visibles[ i ];


map.width = map.image.width * ( this.app.canvasH / map.image.height );

map.height = this.app.canvasH;

map.scrollX += this.movePixel;

map.endFlg = map.scrollX >= map.width + this.app.canvasW;

//check. 画面右端にマッチして、次のマップが必要か。

if( map == this.array[ this.index ] && map.scrollX >= map.width ) {


console.log( 321, this.index );

if( this.index < this.array.length ) {

this.visibles.push( this.array[ this.index ] );



if( map.endFlg == false ) {

allEnd = false;



if( allEnd ) {

this.visibles = new Array();



//関数 30 / 31 ..

Maps.prototype.draw = function( cc ) {

for( var i = 0; i < this.visibles.length; i++ ) {

var map = this.visibles[ i ];

cc.drawImage( map.image, this.app.canvasW - map.scrollX, 0, map.width, map.height );



//関数 31 / 31 ..

function Map( image ) {

this.scrollX = 0;

this.image = image;

this.endFlg = false;

this.width = 0;

this.height = 0;



ファイル一式 (2MB)おてもとのPCで動作できます。



冒頭のお姉さんの画像(下図左)の髪型をどうにかしようと思って いじっていたんですが、やっぱり絵というのは「ソラ」(資料なし)では描けなくて、うまく描けませんでした。





 +  = 


髪型のほか、顔の りんかく も「描けない!」と思っていたんですが、髪型がこのようにエレガントになると、つられて「りんかく」もキュートになるようにいじることができました。

この「つられて描ける」ようになることを、個人的に「ラブリーメソッドが はたらいた」と呼んでいます。














2018/12/15(土) [2024年 システム調整 対策済み]











犬が飼い主にあまえるような感じで、立った私のヒザに両手で すがって「いかないで」。猫らしくないしぐさ。よっぽど一人でいるのがつらいみたい。















Microsoft ExcelのVBAで、「関節が稼働するデッサン人形みたいなもの」(私がいつも言っているSVC)を作成するソフトウェアを作っています。


「フォーム」は下図のように Excelの画面上に浮いていて、作業エリアを覆ってしまうので作業しづらいですが、




SVCは、関節をクルクル動かすだけの簡単操作なのに、上図のように結構 表現力が豊かです。しかし、「SVCは」というより、絵を描くこと自体がもともとそういうものなのかもしれません。絵を教えるとき、誰でも必ず「最初は単純な図形でとらえましょう」と言うし、その単純な図形を関節で曲げることを考えれば、それはSVCでやってることと同じになります。

VBAのコード (作り途中のものですが、興味のある方はクリックして表示してください)
''- 関数リスト -

'' 1: ShapeEX_onload

'' 2: checkBox_getPressed

'' 3: ribbon10a

'' 4: getBlankLeft

'' 5: swapConnectors

'' 6: ribbon10a_

'' 7: afterShapesMoveBy

'' 8: getConnectorBefore

'' 9: getConnectorsAfter

'' 10: ribbon16

'' 11: ribbon12

'' 12: ribbon13

'' 13: ribbon14

'' 14: ribbon15

'' 15: ribbon11

'' 16: ribbon8a

'' 17: ribbon8b

'' 18: ribbon8c

'' 19: ribbon8d

'' 20: SpinButton1_SpinSub

'' 21: kaitenShapes

'' 22: ribbon10

'' 23: treeMoveBy

'' 24: kaitenTree

'' 25: kaitenShape

'' 26: kaiten2

'' 27: ribbon9

'' 28: ribbon8

'' 29: Collection_indexOf

'' 30: ribbon7

'' 31: makeConnector

'' 32: Collection_existsByName

'' 33: ribbon6

'' 34: ribbon5

'' 35: ribbon4

'' 36: ribbon3

'' 37: selectionIsError

'' 38: alert

'' 39: alert_click

'' 40: getSvcsBefore

'' 41: Collection_concat

'' 42: getSvcsAfter

'' 43: searchConnectorsOnArm

'' 44: ButtonSelectConnectors_Click

'' 45: updateConnectorVisible

'' 46: ButtonSelectAll_Click

'' 47: getAllSvcs

'' 48: getAllArms

'' 49: getAllConnectors

'' 50: searchUTL

'' 51: searchShapesByKey

'' 52: connectorName2arms


'すべての図形 図形 shape

'図形と図形を結ぶ意味を持つ図形 コネクタ connector

'コネクタに連なる図形 アーム arm

'コネクタとアーム svc svc

Option Explicit

Private acShapes As Shapes

Private sw_connectorVisible As Boolean

Private shapeEX_alert As Shape

Private all As Collection

Private connectors As Collection

Private arms As Collection

Private tree As TreeObjectClass

Private noParents As Collection

''関数 1 / 52

Public Sub ShapeEX_onload(Optional ribbonControl As IRibbonControl = Null)

Debug.Print "ShapeEX_onload"

Set acShapes = ActiveSheet.Shapes

sw_connectorVisible = True

End Sub


''関数 2 / 52

Sub checkBox_getPressed(ribbonControl As IRibbonControl, ByRef returnValue)

Select Case ribbonControl.ID

Case "checkBox1"

returnValue = True

End Select

End Sub

''関数 3 / 52

Private Sub ribbon10a(ribbonControl As IRibbonControl)


If selectionIsError(False, True, True, 2) Then Exit Sub

Dim connector As Shape


Dim orgSelection As Collection

Set orgSelection = New Collection

Dim newSelection As Collection

Set newSelection = New Collection

Dim arms As Collection

Set arms = getAllArms

Dim connectors As Collection

Set connectors = getAllConnectors


Dim theShape As Shape

For Each theShape In Selection.ShapeRange

orgSelection.add theShape

If Collection_indexOf(arms, theShape) > -1 Then


'check. アームに続くコネクタが1つあり、そのコネクタは子を持たない場合について

Dim connectorsAfter As Collection

Set connectorsAfter = getConnectorsAfter(theShape)

If connectorsAfter.Count = 1 Then

If connectorsAfter.item(1).name Like "*>" Then

newSelection.add connectorsAfter.item(1)

GoTo continue

End If

End If

Set connector = getConnectorBefore(theShape)

'check. トップアームにはコネクタがないので

If connector Is Nothing Then

MsgBox "this is top."

Exit Sub

End If

newSelection.add connector

ElseIf Collection_indexOf(connectors, theShape) > -1 Then


newSelection.add theShape



newSelection.add makeConnector(theShape, False)

End If


Next theShape



Dim theName As String

Dim countOfHasParent As Integer

countOfHasParent = 0

Dim countOfHasChild As Integer

countOfHasChild = 0

Dim countOfHasNoChild As Integer

countOfHasNoChild = 0

For Each theShape In newSelection

theName = theShape.name

If theName Like "*>" Then

countOfHasParent = countOfHasParent + 1

countOfHasNoChild = countOfHasNoChild + 1

ElseIf theName Like ">*" Then

countOfHasChild = countOfHasChild + 1

ElseIf theName Like "*>*" Then

countOfHasParent = countOfHasParent + 1

countOfHasChild = countOfHasChild + 1



MsgBox "err"

End If

Next theShape

Dim fromConnector As Shape

Dim toConnector As Shape

Application.ScreenUpdating = False

If newSelection.Count = 1 Then


theName = newSelection.item(1).name

If theName Like "*>" Then



Debug.Print "1 手に持っていないところ、何か手に持つ。"

ElseIf theName Like ">*" Then


Debug.Print "2 その物を両手どちらかに持たせる"



Debug.Print "3 持っているものを手放す"


Set fromConnector = newSelection.item(1)


Set toConnector = getAllConnectors.item(1)



Set toConnector = Selection.ShapeRange.item(1)

toConnector.name = ">"

toConnector.left = getBlankLeft(fromConnector)

toConnector.top = fromConnector.top

toConnector.Rotation = 0

swapConnectors fromConnector, toConnector

orgSelection.item(1).Select False

End If

ElseIf Selection.ShapeRange.Count = 2 Then

If countOfHasChild = 2 Then

Debug.Print "4 通常スワップ"

ElseIf countOfHasChild = 1 And countOfHasNoChild = 1 Then

If countOfHasParent = 2 Then

Debug.Print "5 持ち替える"


Debug.Print "6 手に何かを持つ"

swapConnectors newSelection.item(1), newSelection.item(2)

If newSelection.item(1).name Like "*>" Then



ElseIf newSelection.item(2).name Like "*>" Then



End If

End If


Debug.Print "両方とも手"

End If

End If

Application.ScreenUpdating = True

End Sub

''関数 4 / 52

Private Function getBlankLeft(targetShape) As Integer


Dim toCenterX As Integer

toCenterX = targetShape.left + targetShape.Width / 2 + 200

Dim toCenterY As Integer

toCenterY = targetShape.top + targetShape.Height / 2


Dim theShape As Shape

Dim shapeCenterX As Integer

Dim shapeCenterY As Integer

Dim tole As Integer: tole = 20

Dim thereIsSameLeft As Boolean



thereIsSameLeft = False

For Each theShape In acShapes

shapeCenterX = theShape.left + theShape.Width / 2

shapeCenterY = theShape.top + theShape.Height / 2

If toCenterX > shapeCenterX - tole And toCenterX < shapeCenterX + tole And toCenterY > shapeCenterY - tole And toCenterY < shapeCenterY + tole Then

Debug.Print "近い", theShape.name

thereIsSameLeft = True

toCenterX = toCenterX + 100

GoTo continue

End If

Next theShape

Loop While thereIsSameLeft

getBlankLeft = toCenterX - targetShape.Width / 2

End Function

''関数 5 / 52

Private Sub swapConnectors(connector1 As Shape, connector2 As Shape)

Debug.Print "swap", connector1.name, connector2.name


Dim diffLeft As Integer, diffTop As Integer

Dim centerLeft1 As Integer, centerTop1 As Integer

Dim centerLeft2 As Integer, centerTop2 As Integer

centerLeft1 = connector1.left + connector1.Width / 2

centerTop1 = connector1.top + connector1.Height / 2

centerLeft2 = connector2.left + connector2.Width / 2

centerTop2 = connector2.top + connector2.Height / 2

diffLeft = centerLeft1 - centerLeft2

diffTop = centerTop1 - centerTop2

Dim tokens1 As Variant

tokens1 = Split(connector1.name, ">")

Dim tokens2 As Variant

tokens2 = Split(connector2.name, ">")


Dim theShape As Shape

Dim afterShapes1 As Collection

Dim firstshape1 As Shape

Dim afterShapes2 As Collection

Dim firstshape2 As Shape

Set afterShapes2 = getSvcsAfter(connector2)

If afterShapes2.Count = 1 Then

Set firstshape2 = afterShapes2.item(1)


Set firstshape2 = afterShapes2.item(2)

End If

For Each theShape In afterShapes2

theShape.left = theShape.left + diffLeft

theShape.top = theShape.top + diffTop

Next theShape


connector1.name = tokens2(0) & ">" & tokens1(1)

connector2.name = tokens1(0) & ">" & tokens2(1)


Set afterShapes1 = getSvcsAfter(connector1)

If afterShapes1.Count = 1 Then

Set firstshape1 = afterShapes1.item(1)


Set firstshape1 = afterShapes1.item(2)

End If

For Each theShape In afterShapes1

theShape.left = theShape.left - diffLeft

theShape.top = theShape.top - diffTop

Next theShape


Dim diffRotation As Double

diffRotation = firstshape1.Rotation - firstshape2.Rotation

Dim diffTheta As Double

diffTheta = WorksheetFunction.Radians(diffRotation)

kaitenShapes firstshape1, -diffTheta, True

kaitenShapes firstshape2, diffTheta, True

End Sub

''関数 6 / 52

Private Sub ribbon10a_(ribbonControl As IRibbonControl)

Dim arms As Collection

Set arms = getAllArms


' If Collection_indexOf(arms, arm1) = -1 Or Collection_indexOf(arms, arm2) = -1 Then

' MsgBox "両方ともアームでなくてはなりません"

' Exit Sub

' End If




Dim arm1 As Shape

Dim connector1 As Shape

Dim arm2 As Shape

Dim connector2 As Shape

If Selection.ShapeRange.Count = 1 Then

Set shape1 = Selection.ShapeRange.item(1)

If shape1.name Like "*>*" Then

Set arm1 = Nothing

Set connector1 = shape1

ElseIf Collection_indexOf(arms, shape1) > -1 Then

Set arm1 = shape1

Set connector1 = getConnectorBefore(arm1)

End If

ElseIf Selection.ShapeRange.Count = 2 Then

Set arm1 = Selection.ShapeRange.item(1)

Set arm2 = Selection.ShapeRange.item(2)


End If

Dim afterShapes1 As Collection

Dim firstshape1 As Shape

Dim afterShapes2 As Collection

Dim firstshape2 As Shape

Dim theShape As Shape


Set arm1 = Selection.ShapeRange.item(1)

Set connector1 = getConnectorBefore(arm1)

Dim tokens1 As Variant

tokens1 = Split(connector1.name, ">")

'check 選択が1つ(コネクタ1で持っているアイテムを手放す)「→」

If Selection.ShapeRange.Count = 1 Then


Dim blankLeft As Integer

blankLeft = 200


Dim t As Integer: t = 16

Dim thereIsSameLeft As Boolean

Dim theLeft As Integer, theTop As Integer



thereIsSameLeft = False

For Each theShape In acShapes

theLeft = connector1.left + blankLeft

theTop = connector1.top

If theLeft > theShape.left - t And theLeft < theShape.left + t And theTop > theShape.top - t And theTop < theShape.top + t Then

thereIsSameLeft = True

blankLeft = blankLeft + 100

GoTo continue

End If

Next theShape

Loop While thereIsSameLeft

afterShapesMoveBy connector1, blankLeft, 0

connector1.name = ">" & tokens1(1)




'ListBoxNoParentShapes.Selected(ListBoxSearchIndexOf(userform1.ListBoxNoParentShapes, connector1.name)) = True

Set afterShapes1 = getSvcsAfter(connector1)

Set firstshape1 = afterShapes1.item(2)

kaitenShapes connector1, -WorksheetFunction.Radians(firstshape1.Rotation), True

Exit Sub

End If


Set arm2 = Selection.ShapeRange.item(2)

Set connector2 = getConnectorBefore(arm2)

Dim tokens2 As Variant

tokens2 = Split(connector2.name, ">")


Dim diffLeft As Integer, diffTop As Integer

Dim centerLeft1 As Integer, centerTop1 As Integer

Dim centerLeft2 As Integer, centerTop2 As Integer

centerLeft1 = connector1.left + connector1.Width / 2

centerTop1 = connector1.top + connector1.Height / 2

centerLeft2 = connector2.left + connector2.Width / 2

centerTop2 = connector2.top + connector2.Height / 2

diffLeft = centerLeft1 - centerLeft2

diffTop = centerTop1 - centerTop2


Set afterShapes2 = getSvcsAfter(connector2)

Set firstshape2 = afterShapes2.item(2)

For Each theShape In afterShapes2

theShape.left = theShape.left + diffLeft

theShape.top = theShape.top + diffTop

Next theShape

Debug.Print "z2", firstshape2.ZOrderPosition

Debug.Print "z1", acShapes(tokens1(0)).ZOrderPosition


connector2.name = tokens1(0) & ">" & tokens2(1)

If Not tokens1(1) = "" Then connector1.name = ">" & tokens1(1)

If connector1.name Like "*>" Then




' ListBoxNoParentShapes.Selected(0) = True




Set afterShapes1 = getSvcsAfter(connector1)

Set firstshape1 = afterShapes1.item(2)

For Each theShape In afterShapes1

theShape.left = theShape.left - diffLeft

theShape.top = theShape.top - diffTop

Next theShape


Dim diffRotation As Double

diffRotation = firstshape1.Rotation - firstshape2.Rotation

Dim diffTheta As Double

diffTheta = WorksheetFunction.Radians(diffRotation)

kaitenShapes firstshape1, -diffTheta, True

kaitenShapes firstshape2, diffTheta, True


' ListBoxNoParentShapes.Selected(ListBoxSearchIndexOf(userform1.ListBoxNoParentShapes, connector1.name)) = True

End If

End Sub

''関数 7 / 52

Private Sub afterShapesMoveBy(targetShape As Shape, addLeft As Integer, addTop As Integer)

Dim theShapes As Collection

Set theShapes = getSvcsAfter(targetShape)

Dim theShape As Shape

For Each theShape In theShapes

theShape.left = theShape.left + addLeft

theShape.top = theShape.top + addTop

Next theShape

End Sub


''関数 8 / 52

Private Function getConnectorBefore(arm As Shape) As Shape

Dim theShapes As Collection

Set theShapes = searchShapesByKey("*>" & arm.name)

If theShapes.Count = 0 Then

Set getConnectorBefore = Nothing

ElseIf theShapes.Count = 1 Then

Set getConnectorBefore = theShapes.item(1)


'エラー ツリーの枝が合流してしまっている

Set getConnectorBefore = Null

End If

End Function


''関数 9 / 52

Private Function getConnectorsAfter(arm As Shape) As Collection

Set getConnectorsAfter = searchShapesByKey(arm.name & ">*")

End Function

'ボタン 選択図形(複数可)を 角度 0°にする(ツリーを無視して)

''関数 10 / 52

Private Sub ribbon16(ribbonControl As IRibbonControl) 'ButtonSetRotation0_Click

Dim theShape As Shape

For Each theShape In Selection.ShapeRange

theShape.Rotation = 0


End Sub


''関数 11 / 52

Private Sub ribbon12(ribbonControl As IRibbonControl) 'ButtonToMostFront_Click


If selectionIsError(False, True, True) Then Exit Sub

Selection.ShapeRange.ZOrder msoBringToFront

End Sub


''関数 12 / 52

Private Sub ribbon13(ribbonControl As IRibbonControl) 'ButtonToFront_Click


If selectionIsError(False, True, True) Then Exit Sub

Selection.ShapeRange.ZOrder msoBringForward

End Sub


''関数 13 / 52

Private Sub ribbon14(ribbonControl As IRibbonControl) 'ButtonToRear_Click


If selectionIsError(False, True, True) Then Exit Sub

Selection.ShapeRange.ZOrder msoSendBackward

End Sub


''関数 14 / 52

Private Sub ribbon15(ribbonControl As IRibbonControl) 'ButtonToMostRear_Click


If selectionIsError(False, True, True) Then Exit Sub

Selection.ShapeRange.ZOrder msoSendToBack

End Sub

'ボタン 選択図形の枠線を2重線にする




''関数 15 / 52

Private Sub ribbon11(ribbonControl As IRibbonControl) 'ButtonSetLineStyle2thinthin_Click

Dim connector As Shape

For Each connector In Selection.ShapeRange

connector.line.Style = msoLineThinThin

connector.line.Weight = 3

connector.line.ForeColor.RGB = connector.Fill.ForeColor.RGB

connector.line.Transparency = connector.Fill.Transparency

connector.line.Visible = True

Next connector

End Sub


''関数 16 / 52

Private Sub ribbon8a(ribbonControl As IRibbonControl) 'SpinButtonBefore_Spindown


If selectionIsError(False, True, False) Then Exit Sub

SpinButton1_SpinSub -0.02, False 'booleanはorder

End Sub


''関数 17 / 52

Private Sub ribbon8b(ribbonControl As IRibbonControl) 'SpinButtonBefore_Spinup

SpinButton1_SpinSub 0.02, False 'booleanはorder

End Sub


''関数 18 / 52

Private Sub ribbon8c(ribbonControl As IRibbonControl) 'SpinButtonAfter_Spindown


If selectionIsError(False, True, False) Then Exit Sub

SpinButton1_SpinSub -0.02, True 'booleanはorder

End Sub


''関数 19 / 52

Private Sub ribbon8d(ribbonControl As IRibbonControl) 'SpinButtonAfter_Spinup


If selectionIsError(False, True, False) Then Exit Sub

SpinButton1_SpinSub 0.02, True 'booleanはorder

End Sub

'スピンボタン サブルーチン

''関数 20 / 52

Private Sub SpinButton1_SpinSub(theta2add As Double, order As Boolean)


If selectionIsError(False, True, False) Then Exit Sub


Dim targetSvc As Shape

Set targetSvc = ActiveSheet.Shapes(Selection.name)

kaitenShapes targetSvc, theta2add, order

End Sub

''関数 21 / 52

Private Sub kaitenShapes(targetSvc As Shape, theta2add As Double, order As Boolean)


Dim connectors As Collection

Dim centerSvc As Shape

Set connectors = searchConnectorsOnArm(targetSvc, Not order) '5

If connectors.Count = 0 Then

Set centerSvc = targetSvc


Set centerSvc = connectors.item(1)


Dim connector As Shape

For Each connector In connectors

If connector.line.Style = msoLineThinThin Then Set centerSvc = connector

Next connector

End If

Dim svcs As Collection

If order Then

Set svcs = getSvcsAfter(targetSvc)


Set svcs = getSvcsBefore(targetSvc, "[" & centerSvc.name & "]")

End If

Dim i As Integer

For i = 1 To svcs.Count

kaitenShape centerSvc, svcs.item(i), theta2add

Next i

End Sub

'ボタン 選択図形(1つ)を ツリーとして 角度 0°にする



''関数 22 / 52

Private Sub ribbon10(ribbonControl As IRibbonControl) 'ButtonSetTreeRotation0_Click


Dim svc As Shape

Set svc = ActiveSheet.Shapes(Selection.name)


Dim centerX As Double, centerY As Double

centerX = svc.left + svc.Width / 2

centerY = svc.top + svc.Height / 2

Dim theta2 As Double

theta2 = WorksheetFunction.Radians(svc.Rotation)


Dim connectors As Collection

Dim connector As Shape

Dim connectorX As Double, connectorY As Double

Dim kaitenConnector As Collection

'--不要かもしれない ここから


Dim orderDX As Double, orderDY As Double

orderDX = 0

orderDY = 0


Set connectors = searchConnectorsOnArm(svc, True) '1

'check 順方向コネクタあるなら

If connectors.Count > 0 Then

Set connector = connectors.item(1)


connectorX = connector.left + connector.Width / 2

connectorY = connector.top + connector.Height / 2

Set kaitenConnector = kaiten2(centerX, centerY, connectorX, connectorY, -theta2)

orderDX = kaitenConnector("x") - connectorX

orderDY = kaitenConnector("y") - connectorY

End If

'--不要かもしれない ここまで


Dim reverseDX As Double, reverseDY As Double

reverseDX = 0

reverseDY = 0


Set connectors = searchConnectorsOnArm(svc, False) '1

'check 逆方向コネクタあるなら

If connectors.Count > 0 Then

Set connector = connectors.item(1)


connectorX = connector.left + connector.Width / 2

connectorY = connector.top + connector.Height / 2

Set kaitenConnector = kaiten2(centerX, centerY, connectorX, connectorY, -theta2)

reverseDX = kaitenConnector("x") - connectorX

reverseDY = kaitenConnector("y") - connectorY

End If

kaitenTree Nothing, svc, -theta2

treeMoveBy svc, -reverseDX, -reverseDY

End Sub

''関数 23 / 52

Sub treeMoveBy(targetSvc As Shape, x As Double, y As Double)


targetSvc.left = targetSvc.left + x

targetSvc.top = targetSvc.top + y

Dim connectors As Collection

Set connectors = searchConnectorsOnArm(targetSvc, True) '6

Dim connector As Shape

For Each connector In connectors

connector.left = connector.left + x

connector.top = connector.top + y

Dim pair As Collection

Set pair = connectorName2arms(connector.name)

treeMoveBy pair("child"), x, y

Next connector

End Sub


'kaitenTree ツリー構造全体を回転

'kaitenShape shapeを回転

'kaiten2 座標を回転


''関数 24 / 52

Sub kaitenTree(centerSvc As Shape, targetSvc As Shape, theta2 As Double)




If centerSvc Is Nothing Then

Set centerSvc = targetSvc

End If

kaitenShape centerSvc, targetSvc, theta2


Dim connectors As Collection

Set connectors = searchConnectorsOnArm(targetSvc, True) '7

Dim connector As Shape

For Each connector In connectors


kaitenShape centerSvc, connector, theta2


Dim pair As Collection

Set pair = connectorName2arms(connector.name)

kaitenTree centerSvc, pair("child"), theta2

Next connector

End Sub


''関数 25 / 52

Sub kaitenShape(centerShape As Shape, targetShape As Shape, theta2 As Double)

Dim cx As Double

Dim cy As Double

Dim x As Double

Dim y As Double


cx = centerShape.left + centerShape.Width / 2

cy = centerShape.top + centerShape.Height / 2

x = targetShape.left + targetShape.Width / 2

y = targetShape.top + targetShape.Height / 2


Dim result As Collection

Set result = kaiten2(cx, cy, x, y, theta2)


targetShape.left = result("x") - targetShape.Width / 2

targetShape.top = result("y") - targetShape.Height / 2

targetShape.Rotation = targetShape.Rotation + WorksheetFunction.Degrees(theta2)

End Sub

''関数 26 / 52

Function kaiten2(ByVal cx As Double, ByVal cy As Double, ByVal x As Double, ByVal y As Double, ByVal theta2 As Double) As Collection

x = x - cx

y = y - cy

Dim theta1 As Double

Dim hankei As Double

If x = 0 And y = 0 Then

theta1 = 0


theta1 = WorksheetFunction.Atan2(x, y)

End If

hankei = Sqr(x * x + y * y)

Set kaiten2 = New Collection

kaiten2.add Cos(theta1 + theta2) * hankei + cx, "x"

kaiten2.add Sin(theta1 + theta2) * hankei + cy, "y"

End Function


''関数 27 / 52

Private Sub ribbon9(ribbonControl As IRibbonControl) 'ButtonUngroup_click


Dim shapesList As String

shapesList = ","

Dim theShape As Shape

For Each theShape In acShapes

shapesList = shapesList & theShape.name & ","

Next theShape


Dim theName As String

theName = Selection.ShapeRange.name



Dim first As Boolean

first = True

Dim processed As Boolean

processed = False

For Each theShape In acShapes


If Not shapesList Like "*," & theShape.name & ",*" Then


If theShape.name Like "old_" & theName Then


theShape.name = theName

processed = True

End If


If first Then


first = False


theShape.Select False

End If

End If

Next theShape


If Not processed Then


Selection.name = theName

alert "グループ解除はしませんでした", "「old_*」という名前の子に名前を引き継がせたいが、いないため。"

End If

End Sub


''関数 28 / 52

Private Sub ribbon8(ribbonControl As IRibbonControl) 'ButtonGroup_Click

Dim allSvcs As Collection

Set allSvcs = getAllSvcs


Dim selectedSvcs As Collection

Set selectedSvcs = New Collection

Dim theShape As Shape

For Each theShape In Selection.ShapeRange

If Not Collection_indexOf(allSvcs, theShape) = -1 Then

selectedSvcs.add theShape

End If

Next theShape


If selectedSvcs.Count = 1 Then


Dim theName As String

theName = selectedSvcs.item(1).name

selectedSvcs.item(1).name = "old_" & selectedSvcs.item(1).name


Selection.name = theName

alert "名前を維持してグループ化しました", "", rgbBlack





alert "通常のグループ化をしました", "", rgbBlack

End If

End Sub

''関数 29 / 52

Private Function Collection_indexOf(theCollection As Collection, target As Object) As Integer

Dim theItem As Object

Dim idx As Integer

idx = 0

For Each theItem In theCollection

idx = idx + 1

If theItem Is target Then

Collection_indexOf = idx

Exit Function

End If

Next theItem

Collection_indexOf = -1

End Function


''関数 30 / 52

Private Sub ribbon7(ribbonControl As IRibbonControl) 'ButtonNewConnectorAt_Click


If selectionIsError(False, True, False) Then Exit Sub

makeConnector Selection.ShapeRange.item(1)

End Sub

''関数 31 / 52

Private Function makeConnector(arm As Shape, Optional typeIsAfter As Boolean = True) As Shape

Dim connectorName As String

If typeIsAfter Then

connectorName = arm.name & ">"


connectorName = ">" & arm.name

End If

'check. すでにある

If Collection_existsByName(acShapes, connectorName) Then


Exit Function

End If

Dim centerX As Integer

centerX = arm.left + arm.Width / 2

Dim centerY As Integer

centerY = arm.top + arm.Height / 2

Dim connector As Shape

Set connector = getAllConnectors.item(1)



Selection.name = connectorName

Set makeConnector = acShapes(Selection.name)

makeConnector.left = centerX - connector.Width / 2

makeConnector.top = centerY - connector.Height / 2

End Function

''関数 32 / 52

Public Function Collection_existsByName(theCollection As Object, keyName As String) As Boolean

Dim theShape As Shape

For Each theShape In theCollection

If theShape.name Like keyName Then

Collection_existsByName = True

Exit Function

End If

Next theShape

Collection_existsByName = False

End Function

''関数 33 / 52

Private Sub ribbon6(ribbonControl As IRibbonControl) 'ButtonSelectorWindow_Click

userform3.Show 0

userform3.left = Application.Width - userform3.Width - 32

userform3.top = Application.Height / 2 - userform3.Height / 2

End Sub

'ボタン コネクタの表示非表示

''関数 34 / 52

Private Sub ribbon5(ribbonControl As IRibbonControl, pressed As Boolean) 'ButtonToggleConnectorVisiblity_Click

sw_connectorVisible = Not sw_connectorVisible


End Sub


''関数 35 / 52

Private Sub ribbon4(ribbonControl As IRibbonControl) 'CommandButton_順_Click


If selectionIsError(False, True, False) Then Exit Sub

Dim targetSvc As Shape

Set targetSvc = ActiveSheet.Shapes(Selection.name)

Dim svcs As Collection

Set svcs = getSvcsAfter(targetSvc)

Dim svc As Shape

For Each svc In svcs

svc.Select Replace:=False

Next svc

End Sub


''関数 36 / 52

Private Sub ribbon3(ribbonControl As IRibbonControl) 'CommandButton_逆_Click


If selectionIsError(False, True, False) Then Exit Sub

Dim targetSvc As Shape

Set targetSvc = ActiveSheet.Shapes(Selection.name)

Dim svcs As Collection

Set svcs = getSvcsBefore(targetSvc)

Dim svc As Shape

For Each svc In svcs

svc.Select Replace:=False

Next svc

End Sub

''関数 37 / 52

Public Function selectionIsError(zeroSelOK, oneSelOK, multiSelOK, Optional multiselmax As Integer = -1)


If Not zeroSelOK And TypeName(Selection) = "Range" Then

alert "何も選択されていません", "何か図形を選択してください"

selectionIsError = True

Exit Function

ElseIf Not multiSelOK And Selection.ShapeRange.Count > 1 Then

alert "この機能は単数選択のみです", "選択を1つにしてください"

selectionIsError = True

Exit Function

ElseIf multiSelOK And Selection.ShapeRange.Count > multiselmax Then

alert "この機能は複数選択可能ですが、選択は " & multiselmax & " 個までです。", "選択数を減らして下さい"

selectionIsError = True

Exit Function

End If

selectionIsError = False

End Function

''関数 38 / 52

Sub alert(messstr As String, Optional waystr As String = "", Optional messcol As OLE_COLOR = rgbRed, Optional waycol As OLE_COLOR = rgbGreen)


If Not Collection_existsByName(acShapes, "shapeEX_alert") Then


With ActiveSheet.Shapes.AddShape( _

Type:=msoShapeRectangle, _

left:=100, top:=100, Width:=200, Height:=125 _


.name = "shapeEX_alert"

.line.ForeColor.RGB = rgbBlack '枠線の色

.Fill.ForeColor.RGB = rgbLightSalmon '塗りつぶし色

.TextFrame2.WordWrap = True '右端で自動改行する

.OnAction = "alert_click"

End With

End If

Dim shapeEX_alert As Shape

Set shapeEX_alert = acShapes("shapeEX_alert")

With shapeEX_alert.TextFrame.Characters

.text = "ShapeEX メッセージ:" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf

.text = .text & messstr & vbCrLf

If Not waystr = "" Then

.text = .text & "→ " & waystr & vbCrLf

End If

.text = .text & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "クリックするとメッセージを消します"

.Font.Color = messcol

End With

End Sub

''関数 39 / 52

Sub alert_click()


End Sub


''関数 40 / 52

Private Function getSvcsBefore(targetSvc As Shape, Optional connectorHistory As String = "") As Collection

Set getSvcsBefore = New Collection

getSvcsBefore.add targetSvc

Dim connectors As Collection

Dim connector As Shape

Dim pair As Collection

'順 ※初回はスキップ

If Not connectorHistory = "" Then

Set connectors = searchConnectorsOnArm(targetSvc, True) '3


If connectors.Count = 0 Then Exit Function

For Each connector In connectors

'check 未処理コネクタである

If Not connectorHistory Like "*[[]" & connector.name & "]*" Then

connectorHistory = connectorHistory & "[" & connector.name & "]"

Set pair = connectorName2arms(connector.name)

getSvcsBefore.add connector


Collection_concat getSvcsBefore, getSvcsAfter(pair("child"))

End If

Next connector

End If


Set connectors = searchConnectorsOnArm(targetSvc, False) '4

'check その方向のコネクタなし?

If connectors.Count = 0 Then Exit Function

For Each connector In connectors

'check 未処理コネクタである

If Not connectorHistory Like "*[[]" & connector.name & "]*" Then

connectorHistory = connectorHistory & "[" & connector.name & "]"

Set pair = connectorName2arms(connector.name)

getSvcsBefore.add connector

Collection_concat getSvcsBefore, getSvcsBefore(pair("parent"), connectorHistory)

End If

Next connector

End Function

''関数 41 / 52

Private Sub Collection_concat(c1 As Collection, c2 As Collection)

Dim theShape As Shape

For Each theShape In c2

c1.add theShape

Next theShape

End Sub


''関数 42 / 52

Public Function getSvcsAfter(targetSvc As Shape) As Collection



Dim pair As Collection

Set getSvcsAfter = New Collection


If targetSvc Is Nothing Then Exit Function

getSvcsAfter.add targetSvc

If targetSvc.name Like "*>*" Then


Set pair = connectorName2arms(targetSvc.name)

Collection_concat getSvcsAfter, getSvcsAfter(pair("child"))



Dim connectors As Collection

Set connectors = searchConnectorsOnArm(targetSvc, True) '2

'check コネクタがない

If connectors.Count = 0 Then Exit Function

Dim connector As Shape

For Each connector In connectors

getSvcsAfter.add connector

Set pair = connectorName2arms(connector.name)

Collection_concat getSvcsAfter, getSvcsAfter(pair("child"))

Next connector

End If

End Function


''関数 43 / 52

Function searchConnectorsOnArm(targetArm As Shape, order As Boolean) As Collection '8

Dim nameKey As String

If order Then

nameKey = targetArm.name & ">*"


nameKey = "*>" & targetArm.name

End If

'変更 未検証

Set searchConnectorsOnArm = searchShapesByKey(nameKey)

' Dim theShape As Shape

' For Each theShape In acShapes

' If theShape.name Like keyName Then

' 'targetShapeが親になっているコネクタを見つけたら

' searchConnectorsOnArm.add theShape

' End If

' Next theShape

End Function


''関数 44 / 52

Public Sub ButtonSelectConnectors_Click(ribbonControl As IRibbonControl)

sw_connectorVisible = True


Range("A1").Select '選択解除

Dim theShape As Shape

For Each theShape In acShapes

If theShape.name Like "*>*" Then

theShape.Select Replace:=False

End If

Next theShape

End Sub


''関数 45 / 52

Private Sub updateConnectorVisible()

Dim theShape As Shape

For Each theShape In acShapes

If theShape.name Like "*>*" Then

theShape.Visible = sw_connectorVisible

theShape.ZOrder msoBringForward '最前面にする

End If

Next theShape

End Sub



''関数 46 / 52

Public Sub ButtonSelectAll_Click(ribbonControl As IRibbonControl)

Dim allSvcs As Collection

Set allSvcs = getAllSvcs()

Dim first As Boolean

first = True

Dim svc As Shape

For Each svc In allSvcs

If first Then


first = False


svc.Select Replace:=False

End If

Next svc

End Sub



''関数 47 / 52

Private Function getAllSvcs() As Collection

Set getAllSvcs = searchUTL(True, True)

End Function



''関数 48 / 52

Private Function getAllArms() As Collection

Set getAllArms = searchUTL(True, False)

End Function



''関数 49 / 52

Private Function getAllConnectors() As Collection

Set getAllConnectors = searchUTL(False, True)

End Function


''関数 50 / 52

Private Function searchUTL(armsFLG As Boolean, connectorsFLG As Boolean) As Collection




If Not armsFLG And Not connectorsFLG Then

MsgBox "searchUTLの引数が両方ともfalseなのは想定外"

Exit Function

End If


Dim connectors As Collection

Set connectors = searchShapesByKey("*>*")


If (Not armsFLG) And connectorsFLG Then

Set searchUTL = connectors

Exit Function

End If


Set searchUTL = New Collection

Dim connector As Shape

For Each connector In connectors

Dim pair As Collection

Set pair = connectorName2arms(connector.name)

If connectorsFLG Then searchUTL.add connector

If Not pair("parent") Is Nothing Then searchUTL.add pair("parent")

If Not pair("child") Is Nothing Then searchUTL.add pair("child")

Next connector

End Function



''関数 51 / 52

Private Function searchShapesByKey(nameKey As String) As Collection

Set searchShapesByKey = New Collection

Dim theShape As Shape

For Each theShape In acShapes

If theShape.name Like nameKey Then

searchShapesByKey.add theShape

End If

Next theShape

End Function



''関数 52 / 52

Function connectorName2arms(connectorName As String) As Collection


Dim tokens() As String

tokens = Split(connectorName, ">")

Set connectorName2arms = New Collection

If tokens(0) = "" Then

connectorName2arms.add Nothing, "parent"

ElseIf Collection_existsByName(acShapes, tokens(0)) Then

connectorName2arms.add ActiveSheet.Shapes(tokens(0)), "parent"


connectorName2arms.add Nothing, "parent"

End If

If tokens(1) = "" Then

connectorName2arms.add Nothing, "child"

ElseIf Collection_existsByName(acShapes, tokens(1)) Then

connectorName2arms.add ActiveSheet.Shapes(tokens(1)), "child"


connectorName2arms.add Nothing, "child"

End If

End Function



JavaScriptはお休みにして、Excelで作成しているSVC(Side View Character)のツールで作成した「画像」(剣を持っている女性)をちょっと載せています。